Author Archives: Bonnie

How to Prevent a Dry Socket

If you’ve ever had your teeth pulled, especially a wisdom tooth, usually there is a condition called a dry socket which is what people want you to avoid. It’s a very painful condition and if it happens after a tooth is removed, it’s actually ten times more painful than the actual removal of the tooth. While it can be treated, you should prevent the dry socket period, and here is how.

So what is a dry socket? Well, it’s essentially when the tooth that’s been removed has the cloth pulled away, and the blood or nerve that is created is exposed. The clot is usually what’s used to prevent this from being exposed, but if it doesn’t clot, anything that’s in your mouth, whether it be food, fluids, air, or whatever, can make the area incredibly sensitive, and it also makes it highly prone to infection.

When you do get a tooth removed, you should expect some level of discomfort, but if you notice pain rather than the latter, especially either radiating to the ear or increasing in intensity, and if you notice a bad taste in your mouth, you should contact the dentist invisalign to figure out what to do next.

So how do you prevent it? Well, you’re at a higher risk if you do have a wisdom tooth extracted, have had previous history, use a birth control, do smoke or use straws, have had extractions that were traumatic in the past, have a history with bad dental hygiene, or you’ve taken medicine that prevents the blood from clotting.

When you do have a tooth taken out, you should always tell your dentist of any antibiotics or antiseptic options, and then follow through with the post-op instructions that will prevent the dry socket from happening, such as not rinsing for 24 hours, no using straws or smoking, avoiding foods that are hot or crunchy, not having alcohol, and also avoiding activity for about 5-7 days or so. By doing this, you can prevent dry socket from happening inside your mouth, and preventing this painful action.

How do you treat it? Well, the first thing that you will need to do is tell your dentist about it. But, if you take the right steps, you will only have a 2-5% chance of experiencing this. If you do have that, you may need to take some pain relievers, medications, flushing and rinsing, and obviously avoiding smoking, straw, or sugary drinks. You also need to make sure that you do have proper oral care practices with this and make sure that you take care of your teeth after it’s all said and done. You’d be amazed at how many people don’t do that, and ultimately, it creates a major problem.

A dry socket is not fun, and oftentimes, it’s actually super painful, and you’ll wish you were getting an extraction instead of this. But, if you want to prevent it from happening, or make it so that you’re feeling better at the end of it, take these steps and ensure that you’re getting the right treatment that you want to get. You’d be amazed at how a little bit of treatment and some different activities can prevent this from happening and in turn it will make your wisdom tooth removal much easier on you.

Why Chewing on Things Is Bad for Your Teeth/Dental Health

If you’ve ever noticed a baby sucking on their thumb or pacifier (and let’s be honest, it’s very common), you may wonder exactly why they do such a thing. Well, it’s in the word “pacifier,” when you think about it. It’s a calming thing to do. And when stress strikes, adults pull a similar bad habit in chewing on things with their teeth.

The thing is, this isn’t healthy for us. Yeah, teething puppies and rodents gnaw on things all the time. But this is to do with their growing teeth and dealing with pain that’s caused because of it. We are not benefiting from chewing on things, on the contrary.

Here are a few reasons why chewing on your pen during the work day isn’t good for you.

Grinding away at your enamel in the day.
Chewing on your nails is bad enough for your fingers, but chomping on a plastic cup, ballpoint pen, or even pieces of ice can wear away your enamel. In case you weren’t aware, enamel is the part of your teeth that protect the sensitive parts beneath. If layers are constantly stripped away from chewing and grinding on the daily, you’ll notice your teeth are more sensitive to hot and cold foods and even pressure from eating.

This is the equivalent of consciously chewing on things during the day only it happens at night unconsciously. Bruxism is the term for grinding your teeth in your sleep. Sometimes, it’s unknown why this happens, and other times it’s because of daily stress and anxiety. However, another major factor for teeth grinding is chewing on things prolongedly during the day. This can be because you eat a lot of tough meat, chew a lot of gum, or, more commonly, chew on your pens or pencils.

If you find yourself nervously chewing on things and snapping out of grindy reveries, you may actually be grinding your teeth at night, too. (Who knows unless you sleep in the same bed as someone.) Knock the habit to make sure you don’t do this at night.

Plastic remnants in your mouth.

Because a lot of the things people chew on are composed of plastic, you’ll quickly realize that this is bad for your health simply because plastic pieces may enter your mouth and digestive tract unbeknownst to you. While some of this is harmless or so miniscule it may not matter, it can surely add up over time if you don’t monitor your obsessive gnawing. Get ahold of your problem sooner rather than later; there’s a reason consuming plastic and other treated materials is definitely not good for your health.




Why Does Elderly Dental Care Matter?

While you do change with age, one thing that should always be consistent is taking care of your teeth, and as we get older it’s even more important. So, we’re going to educate you here on elderly dental care to keep in mind through the golden years, and why it matters.

The first is that you need to see your dentist, and it’as actually more important now than when you were a child, because the body experiences lots of changes with aging, and it makes us all susceptible to dry mouth, gum disease, and other health conditions. According to the world health organizations, most people over the age of 65 do have some form of a chronic health condition, such as arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and even high blood pressure along with hearing sight, neck pain and issues, depression, and even dementia. By managing these, you’ll usually have to take medications which also cause dry mouth, and that puts you at risk for gum disease and cavities. Periodontal disease and cavities have a direct connection to Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and even heart disease, and by neglecting this, you can make everything worse.

It’s not just those that are already affected that have to worry healthy older adults are actually at a much greater risk for gum disease, along with cavities, and unfortunately, as many other people retire, they d experience losing someone that gave them the dental and health benefits they want. Even with Medicare, it is actually quite hard, and you only get the necessary procedures, and they need to have the option to get regular visits. Without an easy access to this, some do have the option to skip this, but it also puts them at greater risk. So what can you do about it?

As you get older, you may see gum recession, and even experience dry mouth, which gets you into trouble with cavities and gum disease since there is less saliva to wash away the bacteria. What you need to do, is continue to see your dentist, chew sugar-free gum if your dentist approves of it when you can’t brush, make sure that any dentures, crowns, implants, and bridges are in good shape and speak to the dentist if there are any concerns, look into good affordable dental plans that will support your habits as best as you can. From there, just continue to do the same things as you’ve been doing before, and take care of your teeth.

Getting the perfect dental care as an elderly person can be hard, since finding affordable dental options can be a bit of a nightmare. But, talking to your dentist and getting some assistance on where you need to go with this is essential. Why is that? Well, the future of your oral health plays a major role in your overall future and happiness, so making sure that you have the perfect teeth will make things easier, and as an elderly person, it can prevent you from getting any life-threatening diseases as well.

4 Major Benefits of Mouthwash

It’s no surprise to hear the dental benefits of brushing and flossing. These are the most recommended things to do if you wish to keep a healthy mouth with teeth that are in good condition. After all, flossing daily helps to skyrocket your protection against oral health issues like gingivitis.

But if you add mouthwash into the equation, you’re even further ahead of the game. Mouthwash is an extremely effective tool in protecting against tooth decay, gingivitis, as well as promoting healthy teeth and gums.

We’ve prepared the four major benefits you’ll get by including mouthwash in your everyday routine.

Freshens breath.
The most recognized benefit (and admittedly the reason so many of us only use mouthwash) is to freshen our breaths. Mouthwash temporarily reduces bad breath by killing certain bacteria that cause our mouth to smell foul. In addition, most mouthwashes have some sort of minty flavor that replaces that of the bad-smelling bacteria.

Prevents plaque buildup.
Most mouthwashes help to prevent plaque building up between your teeth, on the surfaces of your teeth, and even on your gums. It’s best to use it between the two times you brush a day as a way to bolster your teeth during that period. It should be noted that although mouthwash prevents the buildup of plaque, it doesn’t help to reduce the plaque that already exists on your teeth. So remember to always brush and floss to remove the plaque before it becomes a problem. Prevention does not mean reduction.

Removes food particles.
A lot of people use mouthwash only after they brush. While this isn’t a bad practice, mouthwash can also be used before you brush in order to rinse out any loose particles in your mouth. This will enable you to brush and floss more effectively.

Stops cavities from forming.
By using mouthwash regularly, you help to reduce the chances of cavities coming in. Some mouthwashes contain fluoride that strengthen your enamel, which prevents cavities from forming. But check your mouthwash’s label since not all happen to contain fluoride for this purpose.
By regularly brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash, you improve your chances of keeping your mouth free from cavities, gingivitis, and even bad breath. Make sure to talk with your dentist about the importance of mouthwash so that you can find a strategy that works for you. You can even tailor the type of mouthwash you use to your preferences, such as alcoholic mouthwash or nonalcoholic.